SPORTRONS is a full service creative sports marketing agency that assists sports and entertainment venues to fully develop and sell unique and state of the art media assets. Elements of such media assets often include developing programs for strategic sports partnerships, new digital display media in venues, cup holder branding, interactive kiosks, concession branded items and integration of social media, on-site activation and live broadcasts. SPORTRONS has assembled a team inside and outside sports and entertainment professionals with years of experience that have successfully placed millions in sponsorship sales. Our team thinks outside the box with a get it done attitude.
Power of Sport
78% of adults watch sports for an average of 3.5 hours every game
67% of Americans say that sports is an integral part of their lives
87% of sport fans are likely to purchase a product from a sponsor
Source: Scarborough 2017 study, Sports Media Research, Sports Business Journal
Sportrons Network helps reach sport fans with a 360 approach to create great relantionships with your consumers.
- Couponsive downloads
- Trivia/voting contests
- Interactive picture voting
- Sponsored game updates
- Ringtones/wallpapers
- Fantasy sports
Sportrons creates event mobile applications and then provides a delivery system to help stay connected with sport fans. We help you interact with social media sites, e-commerce and sweepstakes.
Sportrons is the world’s first Implied Sponsorship agency. Implied Sponsorship is the ability to associate a brand to a sports team, event or venue at a fraction of the cost of a regular sponsorship.
- Implied Sponsorship approach
- Fraction of a normal budget
Not all brands have the budget of Budweiser, AT&T or State Farm, but with Sportrons, you could apply one of our Implied Sponsorship approaches and compete in advertising and sponsorship of sports for a fraction of their budgets.